Sunday 31 January 2016

Guess the Game: “This is too easy”

Inspired by our own Brandon Russell’s “Guess the Phone” series, we’re taking a crack at “Guess the Game.”

Games are easier, I think, so we’re going to try and ride the line between easy and challenging. We don’t want to pick some crazy obscure title that no one has ever played, but we also don’t want to roll out here with Modern Warfare and call it a day.

So, we’ll start with a game that’s probably easier than it should be. In fact, the title of this post, “this is too easy,” is actually a quote from this game.

This one was creepy. It packed an amazing art style, stands as one of the best on its platform and has a loving cult following. It’s not a game for everyone, but those who give it a fair shake typically wind up in love.
It also sports a ridiculous control scheme, so there’s that.
What is it, then? Go on …

Friday 29 January 2016

Square Enix finally reveals Ramza Beouvle in Dissidia Final Fantasy

As you may or may not know, one of Final Fantasy’s greatest protagonists is also one of its most unsung. Final Fantasy Tactics’ Ramza Beoulve, the honorable noble who threw his birthright in the dirt for a greater sense of justice, has never appeared in another majorFinal Fantasy title. He is never slapped into a spin-off to boost the fanboy sales numbers, and he certainly doesn’t appear in the spin-offs to his own games.

In fact, his acknowledgement in the greater gaming world runs parallel to his fate in Final Fantasy Tactics in which nobody ever learns about his selfless heroism.
Until now, of course. Square Enix promised the sky when it stated that Ramza would be appearing in its arcade fighter Dissidia Final Fantasy, and it has finally followed through with his highly-anticipated reveal. Somebody stop these goosebumps!
He doesn’t have a trailer just yet, only a series of screenshots, but this is real! It’s Ramza Beoulve… in a game outside of Final Fantasy Tactics. I never thought we’d see the day.

Ramza joins Dissidia Final Fantasy on Feb. 4. Square Enix will give him a full trailer during a live-streaming event on Feb. 3. Dissidia Final Fantasy is currently available in Japanese arcades around the country. We’re still waiting for information on the PlayStation 4 home console release.

Thursday 28 January 2016

Dark Souls III gets more screenshots to whet your appetite

Dark Souls III is just a couple months off, so the hype train is starting to roll out to speed. This week we’re being treated to some new screens and concept art via Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu.

There’s lore that goes with these, though the screenshots and concept art both look great on their own, depicting dilapidated ruins and intimidating bosses. We get a peek at some of the armor and weapons we’ll have available as well.

The creature in the second shot, called the Ash Adjudicator, and the waxen woman in the first piece of concept art are both sufficiently spooky for the series.

Check out the source link below for some incredible art by the user who posted about the screens initially along with some rough translations of the text that accompanied the images as they appear in Famitsu.

Dark Souls III is set to hit PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in the US on April 12, 2016.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Dark Souls 3 HD Screenshots Show New Boss, Characters, Armor Sets

Bandai Namco has released a new series of high-definition screenshots from its upcoming action role-playing game, Dark Souls III. The images showcase some new characters, armour sets, and locations players can expect to encounter in the game.

The screenshots showcased a new boss named the Iudex Gundyr (pictured above). This enemy wields a long spear-like weapon, and is shown with a dark mass exploding from its form in combat. Players will encounter this boss upon being revived in the Untended Graves as an "Unkindled".
The images also reveal the Firelink Shrine, where a Fire Keeper resides and serves players "on their long and arduous journey." The location serves as a starting area for new players in the game.
Dark Souls is scheduled to launch on April 12 outside of Japan for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC (via Steam). For those planning to pick up the game on PC, make sure to check the system requirements outlined here. For more on the game, check out GameSpot's hands-on experience with a preview build of Dark Souls III earlier last year.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Homefront: The Revolution’s co-op mode revealed, closed beta on Xbox One dated

We have two bits of news today for Homefront: The Revolution.
First, the easiest of the bit. Deep Silver has announced the closed beta start date for the shooter. Homefront: The Revolution will be playable on Xbox One in closed beta form. The closed beta will run from February 11-14, and it will feature Resistance Mode.
You can register for the beta by signing up on the official Homefront site. There’s no specific beta registration page, simply creating an account will do the trick.

Now, what’s Resistance Mode? That’s the other bit of news. Resistance Mode is the four player cooperative gametype in Homefront: The Revolution seen in the trailer directly above. Here’s how it was described in the official press release.
Resistance Mode is a brand new four-player co-operative online experience. Form a Resistance Cell with your friends online and wage guerrilla warfare against the KPA military in thrilling narrative-driven missions across occupied Philadelphia. Customize your personal roster of Freedom Fighters as you and your teammates go from rookie civilians to battle hardened soldiers. Unlock new skills, earn weapon blueprints, rare equipment and combat gear to upgrade.
It sounds like the narrative in the cooperative mode is different than what you’ll get in the single player mode.
Homefront: The Revolution will release for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC platforms on May 17, 2016.

Sony’s PlayStation and network divisions to combine into single unit during company restructure

Sony announced early this morning a major internal shuffling that will combine some divisions in hopes of bringing their core customer base a better experience.
While Sony used to dominate the hardware landscape from end to end, from creating and publishing music, movies, and more and giving customers the hardware to play and watch it on, the PlayStation segment of their business has become increasingly dominant. Come April 1, that’ll be much more official. Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Network Entertainment are being combined into Sony Interactive Entertainment.
Sony Computer Entertainment has handled the hardware and software previously, while Sony Network Entertainment handled things like PlayStation Network and the PlayStation store. The two will now function as a single unit. This should make for better communication between the two, and should eventually make for a better experience for gamers.
The timing of this fits in perfectly with what Sony has going on. The company is riding high on the success of the PlayStation 4, and this shows just how dominant the system has become both inside and outside of Sony. It also happens to be just before the expected release of PlayStation VR, which is expected to hit this summer. PlayStation VR is a big risk for the company, and it seems likely that this is them preparing a unified front to tackle potential hardware and software issues that come alongside its release. Part of the group’s new set of goals will indeed be to “develop pioneering services and products,” and PlayStation VR is a big part of that.
There’s no word on whether jobs will be affected, but it seems like much of the corporate structure is staying intact, with CEO Andrew House staying at the top of the pyramid. Shawn Layden will be heading Worldwide Studios. This was previously done by Shuhei Yoshida. Yoshida confirmed on Twitter that he’ll be reporting to Layden, and also that he’ll be retaining his title – President of Sony’s Worldwide Studios. That’s a little confusing, but I’m hoping Layden’s title is “Super President” or something.
It’s good to see that there isn’t much change going on. This suggests that this is a plan to improve strength, not one made to brace for loss.
“By integrating the strengths of PlayStation’s hardware, software, content, and network operations, SIE will become an even stronger entity, with a clear objective to further accelerate the growth of the PlayStation business,” said House in a prepared statement.
The new unit’s headquarters will be in San Mateo, California, where the PlayStation group is currently stationed, though they’ll retain locations in Tokyo and London as well.

Treasury, Daily Bonus & Loot Cart Tips

The January Update is just over and you’ll notice some changes in the interface. There are a lot of numbers and interface enhancements, and I want to show you in this post what you need to know and to do in the future.
Here’s the full Update Release Note:

Treasury Insights
The Treasury is a Storage inside your Clan Castle that holds loot depending on your Town Hall and Clan Perk Level. It’s not added to your total Storage capacity because you need to take the loot out to use it for upgrades etc.
The Treasury, however, is the safest place for loot so just keep all your loot in there until you need it!

How to fill the Treasury?

The Treasury can only be filled by earning the Daily Star Bonus or War Bonus. You’re not able to transfer loot there manually. The Daily Star Bonus will reward you, depending on the League you’re in, an extra loot if you earn 5 Stars within the day.

The Star Bonus depends, as mentioned, in which League you’re in. I’ve an overview for all Bonus scales here:

The Loot Cart
Do you know how Cashback works? It’s pretty much the same with the Loot Cart. Every time someone attacks your base, the Loot Cart will give you 20% of what the attacker took back. Directly into your Storages (not the Treasury!).

Be aware that you can only have 1 Loot Cart so always collect the loot when you see it! Other the next attack will replace it, if that attacker took more loot than the previous one, or just disappear. You will see that this really adds up. When I take look at my Defense Log of the past ten days, I would have gotten back about 4.2 million Gold and Elixir each!
Simply collect it like a Tombstone.
The loot IS NOT DEDUCTED from the loot the attacker takes. If you attack a base you won’t lose 20% of what you earned – the defending base is simply getting a compensation out of nowhere.


The 1 Gem Resource Boost is over, and this update is meant to fix the loot situation. You will still have to attack frequently to make a resource profit, but now you will have a safe place to store some loot and collect it once you need it. When you are saving resources for an expensive upgrade, you always notice that you have to play more when you reach the limit. The more you have, the more can be taken from you. The Treasury will help you saving some loot.
The Loot Cart, however, will bring extra resources into the game. Imagine that there will be 20% more resources generated every day, and I think this will boost the resources in the economy roundabout for what the 1 Gem Resource Boost did the last weeks. The Boost added 50%, but not everybody boosted. We’ll see in the next weeks how it develops, but it looks like a reasonable approach to me.
Also the Daily Star Bonus will also add extra loot to the game. Most frequent attackers will get it, because 5 Stars aren’t a lot, even if you make only 3-4 attack every day.

Monday 25 January 2016

Halo 5's First Forge Playlist Goes Live

Looking for something new to play in Halo 5: Guardians this weekend? 343 Industries has launched the first Forge playlist. Called Community Breakout, the playlist features Breakout maps made by fans using Halo 5's map-making Forge tools. According to 343, Community Breakout is the first of many Forge playlists.

"Since the launch of Forge, we've kept an eye on your incredible community creations, and today we're introducing the first (of many) batches of community maps into matchmaking," 343 said on Halo Waypoint. "We know you're excited about playing on Forge favorites, ranging from competitive 4v4 to Big Team Battle to wacky mini-games and Action Sack, and more. Let’s kick things off!"
Featured in the Community Breakout playlist are the "top" 10 community-made maps. Additionally, starting next week, 343 will let you vote on your favorites; the winners (and the Breakout maps that shipped with Halo 5) will then be featured in a February 2016 Breakout playlist.
You can click through the gallery above to see all the Community Breakout maps, while this Halo Waypoint post contains the names of the map makers.
In other Halo 5 news, 343 this week announced January 2016's free Halo 5 update, Infinity's Armory. It includes new maps, as well as more weapons and armor.

Sunday 24 January 2016

SEGA teases English Valkyria Chronicles Remaster announcement for next week

Fans have been drooling over Valkyria Chronicles Remaster for the PlayStation 4, wondering if it will be given another chance in the English speaking world. Well, the PC version made SEGA much happier than it expected, and I don’t think it’s going to hold out too much longer on us. In fact, the company is already teasing an announcement for the release next week!
During its PC Gamer Weekender 2016 podcast, Sega’s Dan Sheridan commented on the possibility of the game coming West, stating:
“A trailer for Valkyria Chronicles Remaster on PlayStation 4 was recently released. But what does this mean for us? Will we see it in the west? Tune in next week to find out more. Ha ha ha!”
Start your tank engine, Valkyria fans! We’re going back to war! The big question now is if we get the same Valkyria: Azure Revolution demo that the Japanese gamers are getting. If SEGA confirms a release next week, we’ll most likely be hearing about that as well.
Valkyria Chronicles Remaster launches for the PlayStation 4 in Japan on Feb. 10. Stay tuned for more on the English version.
source: GEMATSU

Saturday 23 January 2016

Unbox, a game inspired by Katamari and Marble Blast, announced for PC, PS4, XBO

Unbox looks absolutely ridiculous, and it’s just been announced for consoles. The game that features platforming box action has already been Greenlit for Steam, and now it’s bound for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
The new console announcement trailer above brings the news alongside the zany gameplay.

What is Unbox, you ask? Well, developer Prospect Games took to the Unreal Engine forums back in September of 2015 to talk specifically about that.
Unbox is a physics based platformer about rolling cardboard boxes; take part in an epic single player adventure and grab your friends for explosive local multiplayer races and battles!
Unbox was created during the December UE4 Game Jam and inspired by the games we played and loved while growing up. From the competitive and frenetic action of Goldeneye to the expansive exploration of Super Mario 64, there are threads of old school design woven throughout Unbox. Add in some contemporary influences from titles such as Katamari Damacy, Marble Blast Ultra, Noby Noby Boy and you get a game like nothing else…

You had me at Katamari Damacy, friends.
Unbox is set to hit the PC in May of 2016. The console versions don’t have a release date yet.

Meet Valkyria: Azure Revolutions’ villain – Demo details inside

Two big reveals regarding SEGA and Media Vision’s upcoming JRPG Valkyria: Azure Revolution came today.
First up, we get our first look at our villain, Maxim. We know he’s a villain because he has silver hair, a JRPG standard. Captain America also might have a bit to say about his skintight blue leather getup, not to mention his back story. The two share a very similar origin as the result of a super soldier experiment.
He was born in Empire territory, but was selected as a military officer by Emperor Claudius and became a young soldier. Ragnite was placed inside his body as a human experiment, so he is able to use Magic Arts of overwhelming power and is thus a Magic Arts soldier.
SEGA also dropped some play tips for the upcoming demo. Those who buy the first wave of Valkyria Chronicles Remastered for the PlayStation 4 will get an exclusive look at what’s going to come. So far, the deal has only been confirmed for Japan.
1. Mission Start – There are two playable missions in the demo: “Morda Practice Fight” and “Morda Suppression Fight.”
2. Battlefield Movement and Long-Distance Attacks – Players control characters through direct movement. You can fire at enemy symbols and use sub-weapons for long distance attacks. During movement, you can press the Circle button to hide behind nearby sandbags and cover. You can fire with R1, or use your sub-weapon for a long-distance attack with L1 and Square. If your attack is successful, you’ll be in a better state when you get to close combat.
3. Close Combat – In close combat, you’ll attack enemies through four buttons assigned to your weapons and Magic Arts. During battle, the reactions of allies and enemies change based on specific situations and have a big influence on the battle’s development. If you surprise an enemy with a long-distance attack, or something along those lines, their reactions could change, giving you an advantage.
If a party member’s HP reaches zero in battle, he or she will be in a near-death state, and a countdown timer to death will begin. You’ll need to get to your ally and heal them before their countdown timer reaches zero for them to survive. Otherwise they’ll die. You can’t revive an ally who’s died.
The background music will seamlessly change between fields and battle.

Sounds like permadeath to me. Yikes! Valkyria Chronicles Remastered launches on Feb. 10 in Japan for the PlayStation 4.

Friday 22 January 2016

Horror game Layers of Fear will toy with your sanity this February

While the now 15-year-old Silent Hill 2 might always be my favorite horror game, there’s no doubt that we’re in a golden age of horror with games like Amnesia and Outlast and even P.T., the Silent Hills demo. A small studio called Bloober Team, located in Poland, has been working on a game called Layers of Fear. The game’s been in Early Access for some time, but now the team is ready to get the game out into the world as a finished title. Better yet, it’s heading to consoles as well.

Layers of Fear is a game about a struggling artist losing his grip on reality. As you wander your Victorian house (they’re always Victorian, aren’t they?), you move through your own past, and the house twists around you. Walls melt, gravity shifts, reality ebbs and flows. The game is lavishly detailed and beautifully lit, and that makes it that much more stunning when it begins to fall apart. The game’s presence on Early Access means it’s pretty easy to find extended gameplay sequences from the title, so you’ll know what you’re getting.

This is easily one of the best looking horror games out there, and it has atmosphere to spare. The focus on sanity and such suggests that there probably isn’t a monster lurking around, aside from yourself, leaving the creators to play with scares that don’t involve someone chasing you down and looking for you.

The game is set to release officially for PC as well as PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 16.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Amazon offering full refund on hoverboards following spate of fires

Amazon offers to refund all buyers of hoverboards even as safety officials investigate dozens of fire incidents

According a release from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Amazon will offer refunds to those who have purchased hoverboards through their site. The move made by Amazon as in response to incidents due to fires and falls caused by the two-wheeled balance boards or self-balancing boards.
In the meantime, CPSC is urging anyone who keeps their hoverboard to have a working fire extinguisher handy. It is also suggesting users to wear protective gear, stay off roads and charge the boards away from combustible materials.
Praising Amazon’s decision on Wednesday, U.S. CPSC Chairman Elliot F. Kaye said he was “pleased that at least one leading retailer is erring on the side of caution.” He referred disgruntled hoverboard owners to Amazon’s contact page to claim their refund.
“I want to commend Amazon for voluntarily stepping up, providing a free remedy and putting customer safety first,” Kaye said.
The U.S. CPSC said it expects other manufacturers and retailers to follow suit, who has been investigating hoverboard safety issues since December.
Because of “the increasing number of serious injuries and emergency room visits associated with these products,” the commission announced that it was looking into dozens of blazes involving the smart boards, thought to be caused by lithium-ion batteries and the hoverboards’ electronic wiring.
“At first glance, it is easy to believe the risk of falling off a hoverboard is an obvious one and to dismiss those injuries as user inexperience or error,” said Kaye in a statement. “However, I am concerned, for example, that the current designs of these products might not take fully into consideration the different weights of different users, potentially leading to the units speeding up or lurching in a manner that a user would not have reason to anticipate.”
The group’s safety-conscious chairman Kaye also said that the boards present a serious falling risk, a comment supported by dozens of videos showing users, including boxing legend Mike Tyson, falling from scooters onto their keisters.
Kaye also flagged the fact there is no safety standard in place for hoverboards, and warned that a UL mark, a sign of electrical compliance granted by a respected certification company, was not a reliable indicator of device safety. A number of hoverboards have been found with counterfeit UL marks.
The CPSC is already looking into at least 39 reports of hoverboards smoking or bursting into flames, often while charging. The agency believes the fires may be due to overheating of lithium ion batteries. Until now, CPSC is investigating hoverboards made by 13 manufacturers.
More than 30 colleges have temporarily banned the cheap transportation devices, while the wait for a conclusive finding from the CPSC is still on. Couple of industry groups announced they are working on creating safety standards for hoverboards.
Amazon started offering refunds in December on some hoverboard models sold in the UK. It also stopped selling certain hoverboard models around the world. Most recently, the online retailer has emailed some customers in the U.S. who purchased the boards and offered refunds. Anyone interested in returning their hoverboard can contact Amazon customer service.
However, Amazon has not yet confirmed whether the refunds are applicable all hoverboards or to the US only or apply worldwide.
While Amazon is offering refunds, it is still providing some hoverboards including a model from Swagway, which is listed as one of the 13 companies below whose products are being investigated by the CPSC.
Meanwhile, the CPSC said that is “actively investigating” boards made or sold by the following 13 companies and it is testing hoverboards at its facility in Rockville, Maryland:
• Smart Balance Wheel/One Stop Electronic Inc.
• Smart Balance Wheel Scooter/Glide Boards
• Hover-way Hands-Free Electric/Digital Gadgets LLC
• Swagway Hands-Free Smart Board/Swagway LLC
• Smart Balance Board/I Lean Hoverboards
• E-Rover-Mini Smart Balance Scooter/LeCam Technology
• Smart Balance Wheels/Kateeskitty
• iMOTO/Keenford Limited
• Smart Balance Wheel/Luxiyan and
• Uwheels
• E-Rover Smart Balance Wheel
Amazon’s refund offer is the latest in a series of hiccups for hoverboards, which have been banned by major airlines and major colleges in addition to being restricted by the U.S. Postal Service.

Next round of Xbox One Backward Compatible games up, Witcher 2 is free

Good news for those of you looking to play more Xbox 360 games on your Xbox One. A brand new round of games has been announced.
The star of this list is certainly The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. Heck, we even received a press release directly from CD Projekt RED alongside the news from Major Nelson regarding this brand new rundown of Xbox 360 titles on the Xbox One. What was the release about? The Witcher 2 is free on Xbox One by way of backwards compatibility for a limited time. It will remain free starting January 21 at 6AM PT until February 5. Snap it up!
Here’s the full list.

As solid as The Witcher is, the pile also offers a few duds. No one said the 360 boasted nothing but classics. Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad and Age of Booty are certainly nothing to write home about.
Finally, if you’ve never played Skullgirls and don’t own a PC, this might be a good way to crack into the well made fighting game. It’s never been my jam, but lovers of the genre hold this one in high regard.
What do you think of the additions? Me? I want Red Dead

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Microsoft files for Phantom Dust trademark again

We all but buried and eulogized Microsoft’s attempts at rebooting the Phantom Dust franchise. Shady stories about underhanded budget tactics painted a bleak picture for the game’s future, but Microsoft’s Phil Spencer continued to insist that the company was dedicated to the project.
Could his words have been more than just mere smoke and mirrors?
Microsoft has filed once again for the Phantom Dust trademark, as discovered byDualShockers. The company could just be protecting its property, but it’s also possible we might see this turn up again at E3 2016.

Phantom Dust was an original Xbox card-based action game that never caught on to great success. Of course, it enjoys a loyal cult of followers all these years later, and Microsoft, trying to boost the Xbox One’s niche cred, announced a reboot at E3 2014. Many fans felt the sting of the behind the scenes drama when the development studio closed, and it certainly didn’t look good for Microsoft’s image.
My guess is that some studio stepped in to salvage the project, and we’ll be seeing it as a barebones multiplayer game this year at E3. No more of that 30 hour JRPG nonsense or that horrendous CG trailer from E3 2014. Microsoft wants the title published because it needs niche exclusives to counter the upcoming wave of PlayStation JRPGs, but it’s not going to throw a significant budget at such an absurdly small market and unproven title.
And I’m fine with that. Phantom Dust needs to prove it’s worth the money to exist like every other franchise out there, and that would be the best place to start. Keep your expectations in check, especially because this trademark might lead to nothing, and a happy ending might still be waiting at the end of this closed novel.


Tuesday 19 January 2016

Minecraft: Education Edition launches this summer

MinecraftEdu has been around for a few years now – almost as long as Minecraft itself. Now, though, it’s getting some official support.
Microsoft and Minecraft dev Mojang announced today Minecraft: Education Edition. MinecraftEdu has been acquired by Microsoft and “is building upon its proven success to create a new version of Minecraft that’s dedicated to learning.”
The education edition will be available as a free trial this summer, and anyone already using MinecraftEdu will get a free year of the service. The continued development will be collaborative, according to the announcement, with educators contributing  lesson plans and discussing how they use the game to further education.
MinecraftEdu has been used in over 40 countries already for various applications. Microsoft has been involved in education for as long as I can remember, and the combined power of Minecraft‘s unprecedented success and Microsoft’s far reach make a sensible combination. I’m usually a little concerned about acquisitions, but this one seems to make a lot of sense at a glance. Of course, if they’re going to charge for it, Microsoft will have to justify the cost – teachers aren’t known for having tons of extra cash lying around – so it’ll be interesting to see how the program changes under their control. The bigger budget and backing should help extend the program’s longevity and reach if nothing else.
If you’re an educator, you can head to for more information.

Sony Is Announcing 7 Games Next Week

"E3 was only half the story." Sony is apparently going to announce seven games next week. The company said in a  blog post to...