Wednesday 10 February 2016

Final Fantasy IX available now for iOS and Android in surprise-launch

Square Enix has just stealth-launched an iOS and Android version of Final Fantasy IX. The mobile build of the PlayStation Classic will be available for 20 percent off the normal asking price, sitting at $16.99 until Feb. 21.
Buyers might have to clear out their phones, though, because this is one hefty file, taking up 4GB of space after additional downloads upon opening the game. My guess is at least two of those gigabytes are swallowed up by Quina’s fantastic girth.
Zidane and the Tantalus Theater Troupe have kidnapped Princess Garnet, the heir of Alexandria. To their surprise, however, the princess herself yearned to escape the castle. Through a series of unusual circumstances, she and her personal guard, Steiner, fall in with Zidane and set out on an incredible journey. Meeting unforgettable characters like Vivi and Quina along the way, they learn about themselves, the secrets of the Crystal, and a malevolent force that threatens to destroy their world.
Final Fantasy IX is the entry I’ve played most recently in the series. I’d like to give it another spin on mobile, but I only have the option for Japanese text on my tablet in Japan.
Plus, I’m getting ready for a push through Breath of Fire III, finally on PSN at long last. Decisions, decisions.

Sony Is Announcing 7 Games Next Week

"E3 was only half the story." Sony is apparently going to announce seven games next week. The company said in a  blog post to...