Friday 12 February 2016

[UPDATE] Quantum Break is heading for PC

[UPDATE]: Our original story indicated that most of Xbox’s biggest exclusives were coming to PC. Scalebound and Gears of War have not been announced for PC, which was an error in our source article. Quantum Break will be making the leap to PC with cross-platform saves. Whether the other games are hitting PC is still up in the air. As I mentioned below, this seems like a good way to pull up the Xbox platform overall and make sure that third parties want to keep making Xbox games despite the console’s performance.
Original story:
With the Xbox One trailing behind the PlayStation 4, Microsoft had to do something to make sure its exclusives had a good reason to stay that way. That something also brings a long-unfulfilled promise to fruition.

In addition to releasing on Xbox One, games like Gears of War 4, Scalebound, ReCoreand Quantum Break will see the light of day on PC in addition to Xbox One.
While Rise of the Tomb Raider took a couple extra months, Quantum Break will hit PC on the same day that it hits Xbox One.

While Xbox One owners may be disappointed to see exclusives heading to PC, this is great news for the titles in question and for gamers in general. More gamers will have access to what looks like a stable of awesome games this year and next.
Xbox head Phil Spencer had been paying lip service to PC gaming for some time, but now it looks like those promises are starting to come true thanks to the Xbox One’s difficulty in its competition with the PlayStation 4. Regardless of the reason, we’re happy to see these games getting the exposure they deserve.

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