Tuesday 1 March 2016

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past’s intro remade in Unreal Engine 4

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past doesn’t need the aid of Unreal Engine 4 to be the best Legend of Zelda game. It already is.
However, seeing a classic through new eyes is always a treat. This is the latest from CryZENx, the modder behind a whole host of Nintendo characters re-rendered in Unreal Engine 4, and it is without question his best work.
It’s not the entire game, but CryZENx’s setting recreates A Link to the Past‘s masterful intro. The rain, the music, the castle flashing in the lightning blasts. In a move of utter desperation, Zelda telepathically calls out to Link’s uncle to save her from the dungeon, and the rebellious Link takes off after him into the rain-soaked night with nothing but a candle to light his path.
His adventure is only starting. Man, what a great game!

Titanfall 2 shows up on GameStop shelves

                            TF2 Patrick

GameStop may have spoiled EA’s reveal party for Titanfall 2; though, really, who didn’t see this sequel coming?
The currently unannounced Titanfall 2 showed up in GameStop on store shelves with placeholder artwork. You can see the boxes in Twitter user @niallmaherFM’s picture, embedded below.

Titanfall 2 is definitely coming. We’ve seen leaks from almost everywhere, including toy-maker MacFarlane’s bungle a few weeks back. It was then that they said Titanfall 2 would show up alongside a line of toys later this year.
GameStop definitely jumped the gun here. Now we’re just waiting for a formal announcement from EA and Respawn.

Disney Infinity 3.0 Marvel Battlegrounds adds brawling to the game

      Disney Infinity 3.0 is expanding into a whole new realm with Marvel Battlegrounds.

Disney Interactive held its first Disney Infinity Next on Tuesday to announce the launch of Marvel Battlegrounds. The new expansion will let you have a four-player, arcade brawler style fight with all of your favorite Infinity characters. You’ll be able to put them against one another in locations such as Wakanda, Knowhere and more.

Along with the new set, several new Marvel characters were announced including Black Panther, The Vision, Ant-Man, Black Suited Spider-Man and Captain America: The First Avenger. Outside of Marvel you can also keep an eye out for Zootopia’s Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, while Baloo from The Jungle Book will be joining in the fun as well.
All of the new figures will be releasing on various dates over the coming months, but you can look for the Marvel Battlegrounds expansions tarting on March 15.


Etrian Odyssey V confirmed for a summer release in Japan

Well, toss another life-draining JRPG into the already crowded selection for this year. Atlus has finally confirmed the existence of Etrian Odyssey V in the latest issue of Famitsu, and it will be released for the Nintendo 3DS in Japan on Aug. 4.
No mention of an English release just yet, but I hope Atlus shows us a little mercy and pushes the game back into 2017 or at least the winter. I don’t want this competing with Dragon Quest VII.

This marks the first original entry in the main series since Etrian Odyssey IV launched to universal acclaim back in 2012. Since then, Atlus has churned out a few quality remakes and spin-offs, but fans are a little tired of dabbling in the past. The time has come to get this ball rolling again!
Atlus revealed very little on the gameplay in this latest game, but Etrian Odyssey will be returning with a story mode with set characters. Our story takes place on the continent of Arcadia, which is broken up into “tribes.” The four characters teased come from these different tribes, and they are named Arslan, Lunaria, Celian, and Branii.

My guess is that Etrian Odyssey V will follow in the path of the remakes with both a Story Mode and Classic Mode with just the bare character development and dungeon crawling.
Etrian Odyssey V will launch in Japan on the Nintendo 3DS on Aug. 4. Again, no word on an English release, but I can only hope that Atlus has this lined up for a release alongside Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final. Just, please… take your time Atlus. No rush.

Sony Is Announcing 7 Games Next Week

"E3 was only half the story." Sony is apparently going to announce seven games next week. The company said in a  blog post to...