Tuesday 9 February 2016

Breath of Fire III is out this week on PlayStation Network – Pick it up!

Capcom is delivering a much needed slice of retro to the PlayStation Network this week, and it comes in the form of the lost classic, Breath of Fire III. Capcom announced late in January that it would put the decade-old PSP port on the PlayStation Store in early February, and now, more specifically, it will do so this week.
Breath of Fire III will be available for $9.99 when the PlayStation Store updates Tuesday, Feb. 9, according to PlayStation Blog.
The legendary RPG series Breath of Fire returns with tales of long forgotten worlds, intrepid heroes, and ancient, mystical powers. A destiny awaits you. A small boy on the run. A dragon reborn in flames… The last of an extinct race, with mighty powers.
Breath of Fire III follows a human incarnation of the dragon god Ryu from his days as a childish whippersnapper all the way up into adulthood. Along the way, he bumps into a huge cast of anthropomorphic heroes like the tiger-man Rei, the lizard-man Garr, and the onion-thing Peco. Somehow, Momo fits into this too, but I have no idea what animal she is modeled after.

Most consider this to be the ultimate embodiment of the series with Breath of Fire IV tiptoeing a little too far into dark fantasy territory and Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter throwing out the series’ mythology altogether.
It was my first entry into the series as well, and I recommend it if you are a stranger. It’s a long, meandering game, but it grows on you by the end once its story starts to pull together.
Thanks again for the retro push, Capcom. These crowd pleasing releases look good on you. Hey, Square Enix! How about some Star Ocean 2 love? I know that has a PS Vita and PlayStation 4 port just waiting for a similar retro release.

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