Thursday 25 February 2016

Firewatch is already a success, passing the developer’s “wildest expectations”

So far, 2016’s biggest indie smash has been the first-person adventure game, Firewatch. Campo Santo’s exploration of the Wyoming frontier has left its stamp on the gaming universe, and everyone who has played it loves sharing their experiences and even photos with one another. What’s more, they can even get them printed physically and mailed to their homes!

Fans will be happy to know that the developers have also declared the game to be a hit, stating in a Twitter post that sales have exceeded their “wildest expectations.”
Regardless of whether or not this game doesn’t sell as many copies as The Witness, Firewatch never got center stage air-time at E3, and it blazed out of nowhere to become just one of those “lightning in a bottle” sensations.

With the money raised from Firewatch, the team will be financially sound enough to create another game. Hopefully, some of that cash will be put towards a rocket-launcher death-match mode before it moves on to a follow-up game.

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