Square Enix has teased its recently announced Valkyrie Anatomia: The Origin in a debut trailer, and as predicted, the game is heading for iOS and Android. No footage from the gameplay or cutscenes is shown, but a speech delivered by the game’s heroine gives a brief look into what the game’s story will be about.
How long do you plan on continuing such a thing…

Do you wish to die?
Ending it… as it is?

Then come.
We shall walk ahead of death, together.

To the strongest heroes out there.
I shall take you in, as an Einharjar.
The most we can take from this is the title. If the game is an Origin tale, will it be an origin for the original PSOne Classic, or does Square Enix have plans to follow-up with another game that it worthy of its predecessor’s legacy?
Probably the former, but there is always room to hang on for hope. After all, we live in a “post-Final Fantasy VII Remake announcement” world.