Honestly, I didn’t think I’d ever see this news. Pokkén Tournament, the Pokémon and Tekken hybrid that’s launched exclusively for the Wii U on the console level, has actually sold more copies than Street Fighter V on the PlayStation 4.
This comes from gaming industry analyst ZhugeEX on Twitter has he looked over the most recent NPD results.
He notes that this does not include digital sales, for what that’s worth.
Pokkén Tournament launched for the Wii U on March 18, 2016. Street Fighter V hit the PlayStation 4 on February 16, 2016. Even with Street Fighter V‘s full month head start at retail, Pokkén Tournament still managed to beat out Capcom’s fighting title.
Chalk it up to the Pokémon, the lack of competition on the Wii U or Street Fighter V‘s rocky launch. Whatever the reason, this news is pretty wild.