Sunday 21 August 2016

Amazon’s VR plans could include movies and games, job listing reveals

Rumor has it Amazon is gearing up for a push into virtual reality, and a new job listing reveals just how ambitious the company’s plans may be. It looks like the internet giant could be eyeing VR gaming and even augmented reality, along with more straightforward immersive videos.
The job listing, which was spotted by Variety, details a new position titled “Virtual Reality Experience Development Executive.” Amazon is looking for a highly qualified candidate with experience in filmmaking or video game development, suggesting the company could be interested in creating VR video games. It also mentions plans to create “innovative mixed reality experiences,” which could potentially run on augmented reality devices like the Microsoft HoloLens.
Variety previously reported that Amazon is working on a virtual reality app similar to the one launched by Hulu, which lets you watch both traditional and 360-degree videos in an immersive environment. The company’s also allegedly working to secure VR content ahead of an official launch, but that may just be the tip of the iceberg. Whatever Amazon is planning it still appears to be staffing up for the new endeavor, so it could be a while before we see anything officially announced.

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