You ever just read something about a game that both sounds like a good idea while causes an instinctual sigh of disappointment? That was me this morning when I read about Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare‘s “YOLO Mode.” That’s YOLO for “you only live once,” just in case you weren’t around in 2011.
They announced YOLO Mode as part of a massive detail post meant to lead up to the game’s release tomorrow. Here’s how they explained the new mode.
This mode is unlocked after beating the game on Specialist, and well… you only liveonce. By that we mean genuine permadeath. If you die, you will start all the way back at the beginning of the entire game.

YOLO Mode: Great idea, terrible name

I’m down with permadeath, and I love the idea of this roguelike mechanic making its way into a shooter like Call of Duty.
With the name? Activision and Infinity Ward just happened to catch that time when the term YOLO isn’t new enough to be relevant or old enough to be funny. It’s just… sigh-inducing.
Still! I’ll try it when the game hits. We’re down for a review copy, but Activision doesn’t send them out until release day or the day before. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare hits on November 4, 2016.

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