Wednesday 1 March 2017

Pokemon Go update: all the news and rumors for what's coming next

 The expansion into Gen 2 was the first of three major updates planned for this year according to Niantic CEO John Hanke. 
During a keynote at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Hanke said there would be three "major" updates to the game later in 2017, though he didn't reveal exactly what they'll be. 
He has, however, teased previously that trading and player vs player battles would be added to the game "soon" so it seems likely that these will be part of the major updates planned for 2017.
Pokémon Go has been out for more than six months now, and while the app has progressed a lot in this time - just remember how unstable the servers when it launched - there's still lots more work to be done.
Some of these features are ones that developer Niantic spoke about prior to the release of the game, while others have been promised since the game's release.
One feature in particular, the 'Nearby' functionality, is something that Niantic removed from the game to reduce the load on its servers , and took months to be rolled out globally. Now that that's out, though, what else is coming up?
Without further ado, here's our guide to every new update rumors as well as the tweaks promised by Niantic so far.


Trading was a key component in the original games, but it's remained absent from Pokémon Go despite repeated assurances that the feature is on its way.
In the beta, trading was a local-only affair, meaning that you couldn't trade with players over the internet, but Niantic hasn't yet confirmed how it expects trading to work in the final game.

We can't wait for trading to make its way into the game. It always feels like a bit of a waste transferring rare Pokémon just because they're a duplicate, and it'll be great being able to put them to use.

Player-vs-player battling

Another feature that's been rumored for some time is battling between players.
As it currently stands the only battling functionality in the game is between players and opposing gyms, but since before the game's release Niantic has been promising that PvP battling is coming and CEO John Hanke has confirmed it's in the works.

source: techradar 

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