Monday 3 April 2017

Pokémon GO‏ players caught 589 million Magikarp during recent event

Still playing Pokémon GO‏? Admittedly, I’m not. I haven’t fired it up since Christmas. In fact, wait…
…Yep, just checking… It’s not even installed on my phone anymore. Anecdotally, you’d think no one plays Pokémon GO‏ anymore. Realistically? They do. They play it a lot.
The official Pokémon GO‏ Twitter account indicated that during the recent Water Festival that ran from the 22nd to the 29th, players caught a ton of Magikarp. Too many. More than half-a-billion.
Great work, Trainers! Collectively, you caught over 589 million Magikarp during the  Water Festival.

By all accounts, this was a great event

Water-type Pokémon were all over the place during the event. There was plenty of opportunity to gather Magikarp for that Gyrados you’ve always wanted, and it looks like players took advantage. Half-a-billion of one type caught is downright wild.
Are you still playing Pokémon GO‏?

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