Wednesday 24 May 2017

Niantic claims that Pokémon GO’s one-year anniversary is going to “be legendary”

Pokémon GO’s one year anniversary will be here in July, and Niantic Global Product Marketing Lead Archit Bhargava has dropped a hint at how the company plans to celebrate.

Speaking at the 21st Annual Webby Awards, Bhargava gave a speech assuring fans and players that this summer was going to “be legendary.”

Could mean nothing, could mean everything

My guess is that the people at Niantic have learned how to control the beast of their fame at this point, and using words like “legendary” when talking about Pokémon is only going to lead to assumptions and speculations. If they haven’t learned this at this point, then my goodness, will they ever?!
No, the hint was very specific in what it was trying to say. Legendary Pokémon will be available this coming July in Pokémon GO, meaning you’ll finally be able to catch the three birds and possibly even Mewtwo.
We’ll let you know when Niantic has a confirmation.

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